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Developed by Indiesruption and published by Blowfish Studios.

Vlad Circus: Descend into Madness is a pixel-art survival horror adventure set in the 1920s.

Discover a world of mystery and madness, where every shadow hides a twisted secret or a bloodthirsty threat, and no one is safe from tragedy.

Experience the chilling story of a 1920s freak circus that burned to the ground, and the grotesque quest to found the circus anew. Follow the tormented Oliver Mills as he struggles to survive.

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  • Horror - A twisting, psychological horror tale with an unforgettable ending.

  • Puzzles - Puzzle-solving elements and survival mechanics.

  • Hallucinations & Stress Management - The line between the real and the imaginary blurs … Beset by grisly hallucinations, Oliver’s stress rises and rises. Manage his stress levels by using items and avoiding enemies, or Oliver’s terror will consume him.

  • Darkness - Enchanting pixel art and dazzling 2D lighting system, with limited visibility that hides many surprises and dangers.

  • Inventory Management - Players can use, combine and equip a variety of items to interact with the environment, while managing the limited inventory space they have. Over 100 items.

  • Combat - Players will be offered weapons as the game progresses. Sometimes fighting is not the best option, but in others, it is the only option.

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